Find Additional T'ai Chi Chih Information: - Provides information on the organization as a whole as well as provides even more links to helpful information than this page. - Link to the T'ai Chi Chih Community web site, which includes information on signing up for a regular email from the current T'ai Chi Chih guide. - Link to International T'ai Chi Chih Foundation website. - Link to the Good Karma YouTube channel with various videos about T'ai Chi Chih. - Vital Force - The official quarterly T'ai Chi Chih newsletter or journal. - Facebook page for the Minnesota Teacher community. - Facebook page for the entire T'ai Chi Chih community. - Link to the T'ai Chi Chih Community web site, which includes information on signing up for a regular email from the current T'ai Chi Chih guide. - Link to International T'ai Chi Chih Foundation website. - Link to the Good Karma YouTube channel with various videos about T'ai Chi Chih. - Vital Force - The official quarterly T'ai Chi Chih newsletter or journal. - Facebook page for the Minnesota Teacher community. - Facebook page for the entire T'ai Chi Chih community.
Order T'ai Chi Chih Materials: - General site for all materials published by T'ai Chi Chih organization. This site was new in 2019 and replaced the previous Good Karma publishing site.
Request updates to this website:
The website will be updated every four months — approximately by the first of the month in January, May, and September. The deadline for submission of all material (updates, deletions, corrections) is usually two weeks prior to each update: i.e. for inclusion in the May update, send information no later than April 15.
A special gmail account has been established for material to be submitted for the website changes. All changes should be sent to: [email protected] (please put the type of change you are requesting in the email Subject line).
This gmail account can also be used for any questions you may have, although be aware that you may not get an immediate answer.
For updates to the teacher information, please provide:
Your name, city of residence, phone number (so students can call you if that is acceptable), your e-mail address, and accreditation date. For those teachers in neighboring states who want to be listed, please also provide your state.
For updates to your class information, please provide:
Location of classes (city and venue), address, phone number for the location, how students register, and times and dates of the classes. Note, anything you can do to make your information generic will mean you have less updates in the future.
If you offer free outdoor summer practice sessions, please provide:
Location, times and dates.
For updates to the Events information, please provide:
Downloadable PDF flyers for retreats, workshops, intensives or teacher training, and photos of presenters or locations if available. Also please provide the brief description you would like to be used on the Events web page.
A special gmail account has been established for material to be submitted for the website changes. All changes should be sent to: [email protected] (please put the type of change you are requesting in the email Subject line).
This gmail account can also be used for any questions you may have, although be aware that you may not get an immediate answer.
For updates to the teacher information, please provide:
Your name, city of residence, phone number (so students can call you if that is acceptable), your e-mail address, and accreditation date. For those teachers in neighboring states who want to be listed, please also provide your state.
For updates to your class information, please provide:
Location of classes (city and venue), address, phone number for the location, how students register, and times and dates of the classes. Note, anything you can do to make your information generic will mean you have less updates in the future.
If you offer free outdoor summer practice sessions, please provide:
Location, times and dates.
For updates to the Events information, please provide:
Downloadable PDF flyers for retreats, workshops, intensives or teacher training, and photos of presenters or locations if available. Also please provide the brief description you would like to be used on the Events web page.